Tuesday, 1 September 2009

1 Week to Go!

Into the final week of training before the big day….how did that happen so fast?!

Well I had hoped for a really good week of training to set me up nicely for easing off this week, and I got off to a great start, unfortunately it all fell apart by the end of the week!

As usual I had my spin class on Monday night at Glasgow Club Easterhouse. It was great fun as usual, there is definitely something therapeutic about spinning as fast as you can on a bike on a Monday night!!

Tuesday I went out running and managed a new PB for my 5k time!! I did it in 28m 19s, an average of 11.4kph, and nearly 20 secs faster than my previous best! My mile times were 8m 23s for the first, second 8m 33s and third 8m 31s. It was on of those runs where I just felt great. I really hope I have the same feeling on Sunday morning!

Well I had a rest night on Wednesday, then Thursday I wasn’t feeling too great so decided to give running a miss that night and go Friday instead, and I think that ruined the rest of the week’s training for me! I went out and did 2 miles on Friday night, in a fairly good time of 17m 7s, average 11.3 (first mile 8m 32s, second 8m 34s), then after that went to the gym at Glasgow Club Easterhouse, but then Saturday morning when I went to go running I realised very quickly that I had nothing left in the legs at all. Tried a couple of times to get doing but I could barely move, so decided it wasn’t worth trying to push myself so close to the GSR. Although I’ve been running two days in a row many times before, there is usually about 24 hours between runs, whereas that would only have been about 14 hours. Clearly wasn’t enough time for my body to recover! (that’s what I’m telling myself anyway!)

I went out for another attempt at a run on Sunday morning, it was really windy and again I struggled with speed, but managed to complete 5k, in a time 2 minutes slower than Tuesday at 28m 16s, average of 10.6kph. My first mile wasn’t bad at 8m 40s, but then my second was 9m 9s, and third an awful (but partly uphill!) 9m 29s! Ah well, at least I made it to 5k!

Well this week I really want to make sure I am as fresh as possible for Sunday, so I plan on going to spin Monday night, try do a 6 or 7k on Tuesday or Wednesday night, then Friday night I will try a jog for 2 or 3 miles, then completely rest on Saturday. I still am aiming for the 10k in under 55mins, a couple of weeks ago I thought I could do it, but not to sure after this last week! However if I aim for it, hopefully it will give me the adrenalin to keep going, and hopefully if not achieve it at least I won’t feel I’ve not tried my best!

I will post my final week’s training blog on Saturday, then come back with my race day analysis on Sunday, but until then, best of luck to you all with your last minute training!


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